Lesson #2 – The high-level concept

During Lesson #2 of the course I will try to formulate the high level concept of the product.

I have the idea for the product. In the next step, I try to present few ways of figuring out the big picture of the concept.

Firstly, let’s go one step back. There could’ve been tons of other blog posts that I could write covering the subject of an idea of the product. I could write for a long time on all the user research that needs to be done, all the stakeholder analysis that is missing, mainly – all the market research that we would do in real life to prove that what we’re doing makes sense. I will not do that for now for one simple reason. I design this course to show the big picture of the business analysis. I prefer to go through all the aspects of real analysis presenting few techniques that are helpful first. I hope to create a BA toolbox, not a scientific thesis.

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Lesson #1 – The Idea

Lesson #1 of the course focuses on how to formulate the product idea in a concise way

The idea of writing my Business Analysis course birthed in my head when my boss gave me the task of coaching other people in my organization.

It turned out suddenly I am one of the most senior Business Analysts (sic! when did it happen?) in the company and for some reason people like to listen to me. Regardless, there are many courses online, why on earth I am writing additional one?

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Let’s make a Product Owner

Transition from business analyst into Product Owner is not that simple, trust me.

Recently everybody talks Scrum, everybody does Scrum, everybody is Scrum! Almost like in some hoary, old joke – „I am afraid to open the fridge. I don’t want to see anything connected to Scrum in there”.

Have you ever wondered where your Product Owner is? Or maybe you use to be a business analyst, and now you are proudly called a „Product Owner”? Or you have a bunch of business analysts sitting somewhere covered in dust, and you’re wondering what to do with them because the Scrum days are coming?

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